Thursday, March 3, 2011

What is this shit on my side-mirror?

Today was just another one of my long days from this semester. I was at school from 7:30am to 4:00pm or so. You can probably associate with what I am about to tell you next. So after I walk over to my car, I notice there is an advertisement on it. Nothing new. I will give you a piece of mind over that matter in just a second. So before that, I must give credit to this person as this person was clever and stuck into a not-so-typical place. It wasn't on my windshield or on my driver window. In fact, I did not notice it until I was sitting in my car and igniting my engine. The piece-of-shit ad was stuck into my side-mirror. I just said to myself, "Ha ha ha... piece of shit." This is one of those little things that really gets to me and I have to sit in my car and argue with myself for a couple minutes over such a small matter. I think, "Why must they put all this shit on my car?" I don't care for about 99.9% of them. No, I don't want your food. I can cook myself. No, I don't want to call your triangle-scheme business. No, I don't want to go to your club as I really don't dance and I am not desperate to hit on girls. We are fed with so much bullshit ads and sometimes we don't even realize it. Anyhow, my point is that I don't enjoy finding anything on my car. As I hold some of these ads in my hand sometimes, I think, "What if I just tossed this on the floor?" Then I would be just like the people leaving these ads on every individual's car. This would violate one my personal notions and that is that I should treat people the way that I would expect them to treat me. So instead of throwing the papers on the floor, I throw them into my backseat and accumulate a bunch of them and just throw them away at home later.

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